Wednesday, June 13, 2007

New digs coming soon...

I'm working on my own site with a Wordpress blog.

You can find it HERE.

I will be either deleting this blog or making it private within 14 days, after I update the blogroll and am assured that most of my regular readers have found their way to my new site.

I'm still working on's rough...but I think I will like having my own space a lot better.

All of my old posts and comments have been transferred, and new posts have already been made (including the answers to the questions I invited on that post last week). Check it out! Add it to your blogroll! Love it!


BobG said...

The blog looks good, but it won't let me comment.

Bonnie said...

Thanks for the heads-up...can you comment now? The language on the program is kind of confusing...

Anonymous said...

I have both of them blogrolled on mine for now...let me know when you're totally done with this one.

Bonnie said...

Will do! I should be totally done with this one in another week or so...I'm just making sure the other site is COMPLETELY ready, and with as technologically retarded as I can be, it's going to take a lot of checking before I'm certain. :-)

BobG said...

Looks like all systems are go.

Anonymous said...

what does private mean in this case?

Bonnie said...

"Private" means that all of my posts will be here, but no one will be able to read them unless I invite them to. And since I've moved pretty much completely over to Wordpress (all comments and entries are over on my new site, as well), there's no need for me to keep this site up where people can see it.